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Guardian Application

Guardian dogs are raised just like you would raise and socialize any other puppy to adulthood with just a few extra precautions. For example, keeping them away from unneutered males while they’re in season. Once the female guardian comes into her second heat cycle, which happens between one and a half to two years old, Highland grove Doodles would breed her to a stud of our choosing. Bred females stay with their guardian family during the 63-day pregnancy then about a week or two before their due date they come to stay with us to get situated and adjust to our family and routine before whelping their litter. We will be at their side to help them to whelp (give birth) and they will continue to stay with us as part of our family for 6 weeks to raise their puppies. We make sure they’re given lots of affection, good nutrition, grooming and veterinary care while they’re in our care.

Each guardian dog contract is written different, but we usually agree to a 2 to 4 litter contract. Once the contract is completed then they’re retired from breeding and spayed at our expense and get to live out the rest of their long and healthy life with some pretty exciting stories to tell.

Another great benefit to our Guardian Families is that their Guardian dog will be completely health tested for genetic issues as well as general health at our expense prior to breeding. Our Guardian Families get to enjoy the excitement of being part of our unique breeding program and seeing the offspring of their dog be placed with some really amazing families across the country, bringing others the same happiness that they’ve received from their Guardian Dog!

Watching your Dog become a Mom, watching her puppies grow up and getting to hear the stories from their families and how much joy they’ve brought and sometimes how a puppy has completely changed their lives for the better is the ultimate reward of being a guardian home.

This is not the “Get a free and expensive Dog Program.” This is a big emotional commitment. Please think it through before you apply.

Hopefully, you’ve already read our Guardian Family information page and believe this is something you’d like to be part of … if not then please read it first here.

Once you’ve read it then please fill out the Guardian Family Application below… and we will be in touch with you when we have an opening for a new guardian family. I will only be in touch if we have an actual opening and I think you might be a good candidate. So, if you don’t hear from me please don’t think you’ve been denied or I am ignoring you and if you’d like to speak with me about this program or have questions then you can always email me at

Your Details

Full Name:

Spouse/Other Household Member Name (if applicable):

The Puppy

Preferred Sex:
First time raising a puppy as an adult?
Had a puppy as a kid only
Never raised a puppy but I've owned an adult dog
Do you have experience raising an intact dog? Intact means not spayed or neutered.
The most important time to socialize a puppy?
The first 6 weeks
The first 3 months
Between 6 months and a year
What temperament sounds most intriguing to you?
Sporty, high-energy dog
A more dominant dog who will protect our Home and Property
A mellow, medium energy family house dog.
A dog who will blow away the agility competition
A submissive cuddle fiend or Lap-Dog who doesn't need tons of exercise
Not sure yet
Are you prepared to care for a breed that requires regular grooming and loves to be around family for the next 10-15 years and provide proper training & socialization?

The Home

Type of Home:
Do you own your own home?
Will this be mostly an inside or outside dog?
Mostly Inside
Mostly Outside
Do you have a fenced yard?
Do you live within a 1 hour drive of Richmond, VA?
Have you done your research and determined that a Goldendoodle is the right fit your family?
Still Researching
Your ideal way to spend time with your dog?
Tossing a Frisbee or ball
Taking a walk or hike together
Snuggled up on the couch
Dog sports like agility or flyball
Obedience Training
I want a dog I can take everywhere I go
Do you agree to obtain formal obedience training?
Do you know how to detect a heat cycle?
Do you agree to provide routine veterinary care (vaccinations, flea, tick, heartworm etc.)?


Please provide at least one (1) Veterinarian Reference:

Please provide at least two (2) Personal References:

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